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Hungary, Poland, and Estonia to establish system to counter UN Global Compact for Migration

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 25 July 2019 20:43.

Voice of Europe, By ARTHUR LYONS, 25 July 2019

Hungary has reached an agreement with Poland and Estonia to establish a warning mechanism against the UN Global Compact on Migration which would enable the countries to “move against such pro-migration proposals in their early phases, whether they are drawn up in the UN or in Brussels”.

Peter Szijarto, Hungary’s Foreign Minister, confirmed to Hungary’s MTI that the agreement had been reached with his Polish and Estonian counterparts, About Hungary reports.

On Monday, Szijarto said, “It has once again been made clear that pro-migration forces want to make the United Nations’ global migration compact, the world’s most dangerous migration document, mandatory.”

Last December, at the UN General Assembly, 152 countries voted in favor of the Global Migration Compact while five voted against it, 13 countries abstained, and 57 didn’t vote at all.

Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, the United States, and Israel – who all rejected the document last December – were also joined by Estonia in the most recent vote. Not one of the Visegrád countries backed the compact, with Slovakia choosing not to vote in the most recent vote.

Szijarto argued that anything approved by the United Nations essentially becomes part of international law and judicial practice. He also emphasized the need to fight “pro-migration proposals.”

The Visegrád (V4) countries have recently asserted their political will in ways that they haven’t in the past. As an example, the Head of the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office said last Thursday that Germany’s Ursula von der Leven couldn’t have been nominated as European Commission President without the support of the Visegrád countries.

The Cheapest Way to Save the Planet Grows Like a Weed

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 23 July 2019 15:27.

Philip Steffon CC2.0, 24 July, Ellen Brown:

Planting billions of trees across the world is by far the cheapest and most efficient way to tackle the climate crisis. So states a Guardian article, citing a new analysis published in the journal Science. The author explains:

As trees grow, they absorb and store the carbon dioxide emissions that are driving global heating. New research estimates that a worldwide planting programme could remove two-thirds of all the emissions that have been pumped into the atmosphere by human activities, a figure the scientists describe as “mind-blowing”.

For skeptics who reject the global warming thesis, reforestation also addresses the critical problems of mass species extinction and environmental pollution, which are well-documented. A 2012 study from the University of Michigan found that loss of biodiversity impacts ecosystems as much as does climate change and pollution. Forests shelter plant and animal life in their diverse forms, and trees remove air pollution by the interception of particulate matter on plant surfaces and the absorption of gaseous pollutants through the leaves.

The July analytical review in Science calculated how many additional trees could be planted globally without encroaching on crop land or urban areas. It found that there are 1.7 billion hectares (4.2 billion acres) of treeless land on which 1.2 trillion native tree saplings would naturally grow. Using the most efficient methods, 1 trillion trees could be restored for as little as $300 billion—less than 2% of the lower estimates for the Green New Deal introduced by progressive Democrats in February.

The Guardian quoted Professor Tom Crowther at the Swiss university ETH Zürich, who said, “What blows my mind is the scale. I thought restoration would be in the top 10, but it is overwhelmingly more powerful than all of the other climate change solutions proposed.” He said it was also by far the cheapest solution that has ever been proposed. The chief drawback of reforestation as a solution to the climate crisis, as The Guardian piece points out, is that trees grow slowly. The projected restoration could take 50 to 100 years to reach its full carbon sequestering potential.

A Faster, More Efficient Solution

Fortunately, as of December 2018, there is now a cheaper, faster and more efficient alternative—one that was suppressed for nearly a century but was legalized on a national scale when President Trump signed the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018. This is the widespread cultivation of industrial hemp, the nonintoxicating form of cannabis grown for fiber, cloth, oil, food and other purposes. Hemp grows to 13 feet in 100 days, making it one of the fastest carbon dioxide-to-biomass conversion tools available. Industrial hemp has been proved to absorb more CO2 per hectare than any forest or commercial crop, making it the ideal carbon sink. It can be grown on a wide scale on nutrient-poor soils with very small amounts of water and no fertilizers.


An example of why the European penchant for attendance to Augustinian devils is not ultimately naive

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 19 July 2019 08:47.

Even if we can survive the manichean devils (interpersonal and intergroup trickery of other peoples), our survival will ultimately depend upon our capacity to solve Augustinian devils (natural challenges and affliction) - e.g., the ability to track asteroids and devise a way to intervene with them when they would otherwise crash into the earth and cause mass extinction as in the case of the dinosaurs.

No, an Asteroid Won’t Hit Earth on Sept. 9 and Here’s Why

By Passant Rabie Science & Astronomy, 18 July 2019:

That’s one less asteroid for Earth to worry about.

A potentially hazardous asteroid that had a small chance of smashing into Earth this September isn’t heading for our planet after all.

Astronomers ruled out the asteroid’s chance of impact with Earth after they were not able to spot it within the area of its predicted collision course, making it the first time an asteroid impact was ruled out based on “non-detection.”

The area in the sky where astronomers would have spotted the asteroid 2006 QV89 if it was on a collision course with Earth, with the three crosses marking the specific locations. (Image: © ESO)

The asteroid, named 2006 QV89, was discovered on Aug. 29, 2006 by the Catalina Sky Survey near Tucson, Arizona. It measures between 70 to 160 feet (20 to 50 meters) in diameter, or somewhere between the length of a bowling alley and the width of a football field. Observations suggested that it had a one-in-7,000 chance of impacting Earth on Sept. 9, 2019.

Related: Potentially Dangerous Asteroids (Images)

After its discovery in 20016, the asteroid was observed for 10 days before disappearing from the astronomers’ sight, according to a statement by the European Southern Observatory (ESO). As the date for the potential collision approached, astronomers could only predict the location of the asteroid with very low accuracy, which made it difficult to locate with a telescope.

In order to confirm whether or not the asteroid was still headed for collision with Earth, astronomers at the European Space Agency (ESA) and ESO took a different approach. Rather than trying to observe the asteroid itself, astronomers observed where it should have been if it were, in fact, heading toward Earth.

Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), they captured deep images of the area where it would have been if it were on track to collide with our planet, ESO officials said in the statement. Following observations of the area on July 4-5, astronomers could not find the asteroid and therefore concluded that it would not be impacting Earth.

Even if the asteroid is smaller than initially believed, it would have been spotted by the telescope, ESO said in the statement. And if it were any smaller than that — too small for the telescope to detect — it would pose no threat to Earth, as it would burn up in the planet’s atmosphere.

Astronomers Spotted a Car-Size Asteroid Just Hours Before Impact
New Look at 111-Year-Old Asteroid Hit Provides Clues to Future Impacts
How Earth Life Could Come Back from a Sterilizing Asteroid Impact
Follow Passant Rabie on Twitter @passantrabie. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook. 

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Trump hosts conservative social media personalities at White House

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 12 July 2019 06:07.

I don’t even like throwing a bone to the Jewish ass-kisser Trump, or candidates from either party (Democrats either, of course) of America’s utterly baked-in and controlled liberal system - wherein “conservatives” only conserve liberalism. However, even if Trump was forced to address this issue to push back against (((Social Media Bias))) in favor of the Democrats in the coming election, and even if the examples of censorship are not those with platforms that I agree with (for example, a pro-life platform excluded from Twitter), the issue and the fact of censorship and “popularity” being manipulated, brought out into open awareness and discussion from underneath the gaslighting by (((social media))) is helpful.

As ethnonationalists, you may not like the examples of people and issues censored.

On the other hand, just as raising the issue of censorship itself provides some daylight for our concerns, so too the intersectionality that a David Horowitz experiences in his example of social media censorship provides some grounds for us to seize upon. Yes, Horowitz has concerns for intersectionality against (((his interests))) in mind, ultimately (no small matter, he’s not “one of us and on our side”); nevertheless, he’s the one who spilled significant beans on the who, what, how of Cultural Marxism/Political Correctness that allowed William Lind to articulate the matter so well for purposes of our ethnonationalist critique and increased freedom from its voodoo.

Tulsi Gabbard sounds off on ‘clear bias’ during her debate

Trump hosts conservative social media personalities at White House

Fox News
President Trump’s White House summit aims to air our grievances over political bias on social media platforms. Invitees are mostly comprised of prominent, and sometimes controversial, online right-wing pundits. #FoxNewsLive #FoxNews

More than €1m raised for rescue ship captain detained in Italy

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 02 July 2019 12:54.

While the eternal Kraut snubs Majorityrights for not promoting Hitler, while it tries to gaslight and smear me with anything it can for that, it can’t help itself with its mechanistic rule following ad absurdem, whether Hitler or Merkel, whether the final solution to the J.Q. that somehow includes wiping-out half of Europe, including Germany as well, or raising a million Euro with its Jewish friends for a sister ship of its NGO’s to haul genetic replacement into Europe….

Cooperation with the DNA Nations to preserve our species? No, we wouldn’t do that. You don’t love Hitler and Jesus. You are not some scientistic rule following dolt.

But help like this? Sure: The NGO Racket…

Carola Rackete was arrested in Lampedusa on Saturday after forcing her way into port. Photograph: Guglielmo Mangiapane/Reuters

More than €1m raised for rescue ship captain detained in Italy

The Guardian, 2 July 2019:

Two online campaigns to help the German captain of a rescue ship under house arrest in Italy have between them raised more than €1m.

Carola Rackete’s arrest on Saturday, after she forced her way into port in Lampedusa carrying migrants and refugees she had rescued off Libya, prompted a fundraising appeal by two prominent German TV stars that by Tuesday morning had raised €917,195 from more than 33,000 donors.

A second campaign, started by an Italian anti-fascist group on Facebook, had raised a further €433,993 by Tuesday, well over the page’s stated goal of €349,000, bringing the total raised in support of Rackete to more than €1.3m.

“The wave of solidarity is wonderful,” Ruben Neugebauer, a spokesman for Rackete’s migrant rescue NGO Sea-Watch, told Spiegel Online. “We certainly also need the money.”

The funds will go towards paying Rackete’s legal fees if charges are brought against her. Otherwise, Neugebauer said, the NGO would need about €1m to buy and equip a new ship if Rackete’s vessel, Sea-Watch-3, remained out of action.

The German and French governments have ramped up their criticism of Italy over its handling of the case. France accused Italy on Tuesday of acting hysterically over immigration and failing to live up to its duties.

“I think that basically the Italian government has not been up to the task,” a government spokeswoman, Sibeth Ndiaye, told France’s BFM-TV. “Mr Matteo Salvini’s behaviour has not been acceptable as far as I am concerned. This is a painful subject, a complex subject which the EU and France have previously been in solidarity with Italy over.”

Salvini, who heads the ... League party, Italy’s largest political force, responded: “My behaviour regarding immigration is unacceptable? The French government should stop with these insults and open its ports.”

German politicians have also criticised Italy’s treatment of Rackete, in the first signs of a public pushback against Italy’s criminalisation of migrant rescue vessels in the Mediterranean.

“Italy isn’t any old nation,” said Germany’s president, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, in an unusually candid interview with the broadcaster ZDF aired on Sunday evening. “Italy is in the middle of the European Union, a founding state of the European Union. And therefore we should be able to expect a nation such as Italy to deal with a case like this in a different way.”

The foreign minister, Heiko Maas, went a step further, demanding that the Italian authorities set Rackete free. “From our perspective, only the release of Carola Rackete can come at the end of a procedure based on the rule of law,” Maas tweeted on Monday. “I will make that clear to Italy once again.”

Germany has said it will keep up diplomatic pressure on Italy over the case.

Related at Majorityrights:

A Bridge too Near

Nation Revisited: As did our forebears, so too ethnonationalist contemporaries negotiate persecution

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 01 July 2019 11:01.

Nation Revisited # 153 July 2019:

Keep it Legal

Once again free speech is being restricted by anti-terrorist legislation. This happened in 1940 when Defence Regulation 18B was used to detain Oswald Mosley and a thousand of his followers. The Act had been introduced to control the IRA but it was used against peace campaigners. Dangerous extremists should be locked up but law-abiding groups should be free to express their opinions. Transgressors are liable to prosecution, so be careful what you write or say.

Colin Jordan

In 1965 Colin Jordan was sentenced to eighteen months in prison for publishing a leaflet entitled ‘The Coloured Invasion’. He was the first to be prosecuted under the new Race Relations Act. At that time Special Branch were scrutinizing everything produced by the so called far-Right and several people were threatened with prosecution. Bill Whitbread of the Trade Union Anti-Immigration Movement (Tru Aim) got over the problem by publishing a leaflet made up entirely of press cuttings. He could not be prosecuted for reproducing reports from the national press.

In those days Special Branch officers took shorthand notes at street corner meetings. Every word from the platform was dutifully written down. I once brought a smile to the face of a Special Branch officer at a meeting in Bethnal Green by claiming that West Indians are pouring into the country and committing, “rape, arson and buggery.” Today, that would probably get one arrested.

The powerful Zionist lobby links any criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. They are hounding Jeremy Corbyn and they had Jez Turner imprisoned for commemorating a Stern Gang atrocity. Their arrogance is intolerable but there’s no point in provoking them. Far better to chose one’s words carefully and remain at liberty.

The ‘National Action’ case is another matter. Since the murder of the Labour MP Jo Cox, threats must be taken seriously. The State was right to lock up Jack Renshaw for threatening to kill Labour MP Rosie Cooper. It’s unlikely that he would have carried out his threat but his drunken boasting has earned him a life sentence.

Just as stupid was the photofit picture of Prince Harry posted by Michal Szewczuk, which got him four years in prison, and the threatening blog posted by Oskar Dunn-Kaczorowski, for which he was sentenced to eighteen months.

Words and actions have consequences. When somebody threw a milkshake at Nigel Farage, the ‘entertainer’ Jo Brand said that it should have been battery acid, She is a former psychiatric nurse, a medical professional who has promised, “to do no harm.”.She is lucky that the police have decided not to prosecute. If she had been a member of National Action she would now be doing a life sentence. 

European Army

The idea of a European Army is anathema to the Brexiteers but it makes sense. If the leading nations of Europe pooled their resources we could have an army of half a million men at no additional cost to any member state. NATO is a European army with the addition of Canada and the United States. By having common arms, ammunition and command structures, the nations of the alliance are able to fight together. All that would be necessary to create a European Army would be for the US and Canada to withdraw from NATO. This would not be a hostile departure, 75 years after World War Two, many Americans, including President Donald Trump, think it’s time for Europe to defend herself.

A start has already been made with the Franco-German Brigade, known as Eurocorps, which is stationed at Strasbourg. This is the latest in a long list European Armies.


Tulsi Gabbard sounds off on ‘clear bias’ during her debate (and what she got to say anyway)

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 30 June 2019 09:40.

Tulsi Gabbard sounds off on ‘clear bias’ during her debate

Everything Tulsi Gabbard Said During the First Democratic Debate | NBC New York

“Entropy”, a New Video Uploading and Streaming Platform Alternative to YouTube.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 27 June 2019 05:41.

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